Exciting news...more The Book of Life dolls have been added to Amazon.com! So, of course, I've updated The Book of Life dolls page accordingly - woooohoooooo! I can't wait to see this movie...I know I keep banging on about it, but it looks so flipping stunning - I use the phrase "visually arresting" and that is exactly what it is. If you've not seen the trailer yet, head over to the Book of Life page and where I've added a trailer there to see what I mean. The colours and detail are extraordinary!
Strangely, right now, the only Book of Life dolls on Amazon.com are the Funko Dolls! But y'know, not to be ungrateful or anything, because they are super cool...but I'm eagerly waiting for some plush dolls or barbie style dolls to get added on to our favourite consumer website! But as you, all you have to do is bookmark the page, and I'll keep it updated for you...tell you what, I'll even tweet and add Facebook updates when I do update them - so be sure to follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook for more news as and when I get it :)
Strangely, right now, the only Book of Life dolls on Amazon.com are the Funko Dolls! But y'know, not to be ungrateful or anything, because they are super cool...but I'm eagerly waiting for some plush dolls or barbie style dolls to get added on to our favourite consumer website! But as you, all you have to do is bookmark the page, and I'll keep it updated for you...tell you what, I'll even tweet and add Facebook updates when I do update them - so be sure to follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook for more news as and when I get it :)