Strange MAgic: Dolls & Toys
![]() Thank you for stopping by to this page dedicated to bringing you the best dolls and toys from Lucasfilm’s musical animation,
Strange Magic! Industrial Light & Magic, and the team at Lucasfilm kept this one relatively quiet, with only a smidgen of advertising released towards the end of 2014. Nevertheless, here at, we're fans of all animations; from big, huge blockbusters with massive advertising budgets, to those lesser well known movies! Sadly for us all, it doesn’t look like Strange Magic has a lot in the way of dolls…yet! I’ve been searching all over to bring you some really cool dolls, but alas, I can’t find any – however, I have found the soundtrack! Which is perfect, because Strange Magic is a musical, featuring a variety of well known tunes (including “Crazy in Love”, which initially, I thought was a bit strange, but whatever). I’m bloomin’ frustrated that there are no Strange Magic dolls though, what are they playing at? The characters look so beautifully designed, they’re crying out to be turned into amazing little dolls and toys, right? Fear not though! For if you love dolls that are fairy like – whilst you can’t get hold of any official Strange Magic merchandise, did you know that Barbie have a range of fairy dressed dolls – called “Fairytopia”…okay, okay…so it’s Barbie, not dolls from Lucasfilm, but hey, work with me. Aaaanyway…they’re also featured here on this page for you (’re welcome), incase you’re interested. Y’never know! If you're feeling disappointed by lack of Strange Magic dolls, visit regardless, to find their latest fairy and magic like dolls and toys, here right now! Hope you enjoy this sparce (but still cared and loved for) page regardless. Onwards to our selection of fabulous Strange Magic dolls (ahem). Check out the Strange Magic Trailer here:
Strange Magic on dvd!
Strange Magic DVD (starring Kristin Chenoweth)
Okkkk - so, whilst there seems to be hardly any Strange Magic dolls or toys around (if you find any, please tweet us the links, and we'll send you a lil gift as a thank you), why not just get the DVD and sing along to your hearts content, in the privacy of your own home! Starring HUGE Broadway royalty such as the fabulous Kristin Chenoweth, Alan Cumming and Evan Rachel Wood - this glorious spin on the Shakespeare classic, Midsummer Night's Dream is packed full of beautiful animation, fun characters and plenty of songs. |
Strange MAgic: the soundtrack
Strange Magic, the Official Soundtrack |
Now, this is not really the website to promote music and soundtracks (we cater for all the dolls and toys, don't y'know), however, seeing as they isn't a lot of Strange Magic dolls to get...I felt duty bound to share something...and seeing as Strange Magic is a musical, it seemed the perfect opportunity to show you where to get the soundtrack! Based on Shakespeare's A Midsummers Night's Dream, Strange Magic features well known songs, ranging from Wild Thing to I Wanna Dance With Somebody! But if that wasn't exciting enough, the film features the vocal talents of Broadway and Glee superstar supremo, Kristin Chenoweth! If that wasn't a big enough reason to buy the soundtrack alone, then I don't know what is! |
Barbie Fairytopia! (c'mon, it's strange magic -ish)
Barbie Fairytopia - Lavender Sparkle Fairy Barbie Doll
Sorry folks! I know I'm clutching at straws a little, but if you're looking for Strange Magic dolls, then you're in for a long wait - right now, there aren't any yet on However, Barbie have a really cute range called, Fairytopia Dolls, and you could be forgiven for thinking that this pretty lady, right here, isn't from the Strange Magic film, right? If you like the look of this, you can go straight to Fairytopia's Amazon page right here, and find all sorts of beautiful dolls that would satisfy even the most die hard, Strange Magic fan! |
Keep Checking back for More Strange Magic Dolls!
Before you go, be sure to bookmark this page and keep checking back! Believe me, I'm going to watching Amazon like a hawk, and the moment they put on any Strange Magic dolls, I'll be adding them to this page.
In the mean time, why not check out some of the other fantastic pages...take your pick:
In the mean time, why not check out some of the other fantastic pages...take your pick: